Computer Experts Use Email Deliverability Software to Spot Bad Addresses

by | Aug 1, 2024 | software

Online news chasers and publishers will often put up a dialog box that allows netizens to sign up for email updates. People change their addresses over time, so there’s always a risk that at least some of the people signed up for the list could no longer be there. This creates a situation where huge numbers of bounce-back messages get sent to the originating address. Computer scientists have designed email deliverability software that checks every single address on a list to see whether or not they’re valid.

A sizable number of addresses are mistyped or point to errant domains. If someone notices them, then they can get culled from a list with relative ease. Unfortunately, doing so is difficult because of the scale of such a job. Deliverability programs can scan through a list in only a few seconds and purge these nearly instantly. In some cases, that alone can slash the number of bounced messages by more than half.

Once the list is at least partially cleaned out, delivery apps will then check the vitals of all of the remaining addresses to see if their host servers report them as good or invalid. Any invalid ones are also purged, so newsletter managers can trust that anything they send out is going to a real address. All they have to worry about then is writing great content that would actually encourage people to open them.

Customers interested in using an email deliverability software package should check out Mailivery online at

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